Nurturing Touch: A Conversation with Tiffani

As a certified massage therapist and owner of a thriving therapeutic massage practice, I’m always on the lookout for talented practitioners. Our business chooses to set the bar very high, tapping only the top talent and bringing in new team members who are genuine, highly skilled, caring individuals who share our mission to create positive change in the body, mind and spirit of each client.


After more than four years of hiring talented professionals, I usually know right away when a therapist is a good fit. They present themselves professionally, are good communicators, and smile – a lot. Every once in a while, though, I stumble on someone who is truly extraordinary. All the professionalism, great communication skills, lots of smiles, but also someone who right away projects  a positive energy and sense of calm. Someone whose very nature, from the first contact, represents a calm and nurturing presence. I’m talking about Tiffani.

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Five Reasons Why Massage is Better Today

Alex TherapistTwenty years ago, it was almost impossible to find a place to get a massage. Small massage studios were pretty much non-existent and massage was billed only as a pampering treat and relegated to high end spas or found in very low-end and very sketchy red light hovels.

Fast forward to today and it’s a very different picture. Now massage is available in many more places. Literally everything about massage has changed, from the people giving the treatments to the readiness of the clients.  Here’s a short list of five reasons why the massage you get today will likely be a LOT better than one you received 20 years ago.


Continue reading “Five Reasons Why Massage is Better Today”

You Might Be a Great Massage Therapist If…

questionguyEver wonder if you have what it takes to become a massage therapist? People are called to this career at different times in their lives.  Some when they’re young, others when they are ready for a midlife career change. Whatever the reason, becoming a massage therapist can be one of the most rewarding (emotionally and financially) decisions you’ll ever make.

Massage therapy is a $20 billion industry. US consumers visit massage therapists more than 230 million times a year. Growth in the profession is off the charts. Not everyone is cut out for massage therapy, though, but YOU might be!

Here are just few qualities shared by successful massage therapists.  If two or more than describe you, you should find out more!

You like to help people. This is quality #1. The profession is all about making a positive difference in the body, mind and spirit of your clients.  If you are someone who is giving and caring, or someone who wants to learn to be more giving and caring than you already are, this profession will be a great fit. If this quality isn’t in your personality, you should probably move on to another profession.

You like to have an option to work anywhere, anytime. Your main tools are your knowledge of massage therapy and your hands.  Those two things are with you always. With proper certification you can work ANYWHERE. In most cases, you can also have a lot of control over when you work–much more so than a standard 9-5 worker. Continue reading “You Might Be a Great Massage Therapist If…”

Is Your Massage Therapist Really Qualified?

cacmtlogoAll massage therapists are NOT equal. Know what questions to ask to ensure you get the best client care.

You ask questions about the competency and training of your doctor, your car mechanic, your children’s teachers–shouldn’t you ask questions about the qualifications of your Massage Therapist (MT)? One of the easiest ways to determine if they’re qualified is to ask about their education and their certification.

Like any profession, you’ll have those who take the fast-track to practice and others who take the time to attend a quality education program and become truly prepared. For the truly qualified, professional MT, preparation includes: Continue reading “Is Your Massage Therapist Really Qualified?”

Waiting for Wellness

Every single day, a runner tweaks a muscle, an active adult injures a shoulder,  someone shackled to a computer gets a pain in their wrist or finger and someone wakes up from a restless night of sleep with back, neck or shoulder pain. Some attempt to “walk it off”, some race to a doctor or grab an over-the-counter pain reliever.  Others just wait, hoping the pain will go away on it’s own.

You Don’t Have to Wait for Wellness

In each of the aforementioned cases, massage can usually make a significant, noticeable difference in your level of pain or discomfort, and often speeds healing of the traumatized area.  Add a well-trained massage therapist who listens to your needs, performs exemplary work, and coaches you on home-care activities and you’ve got a wellness program that works. Continue reading “Waiting for Wellness”