Breaking the Pain Cycle

pain cycle diagramA recent study conducted at the Center on an Aging Society at Georgetown University found that back pain is the most common cause of workdays lost in the US. It is the 2ndmost common cause of visits to the doctor’s office and experts estimate that 80% of the population will have a back pain issue at some point in their lives. Not only are we a society in pain, but when it gets bad enough we lose work, money, and then have to pay in an attempt to relieve the pain. Many of us are currently facing these problems and are met with the question of how do I get better and how do I decrease the likelihood that the pain will return. One answer is understanding and breaking the pain cycle.

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Can You Find Yourself in these Massage Profiles?

couple runAll kinds of people seek massage therapy for all kinds of different reasons.  The end result is almost always pain relief and relaxation.

Here’s a snapshot of some of the most likely types of people who seek and benefit from  regular massage. Can you find yourself or someone else you know in this list?

  1. Betty/Billy Back Pain. Back pain comes from joints, muscles, joints in the spine, bones, and nerves around the back. The pain could be in one area or could have a wider spread effect on an individual. A massage helps this client feel and function better compared to friends who don’t receive any massage treatment. Studies show it improves range of motion and decreases discomfort, too. Continue reading “Can You Find Yourself in these Massage Profiles?”

Wellness Check Up

It’s good to stop and take a look at yourself now and then. In addition to the good things in life, we all get a few challenges. Sometimes you get injured. Sometimes you become ill. Sometimes your work, your family and your relationships cause you stress. Sometimes your muscles ache. And sometimes, you are just tired and need a break from your insane schedule. There’s a growing base of research that suggests that regular massage can have a profound positive effect on most of the challenges you face.

Take a look at this list of common wellness issues and check any and all that apply to you, then check the list below to see how you can more toward more wellness:

___ I am under stress from a relationship, from work, or just life in general.

___ I am very active and sometimes experience aches and pains

___ I am not as active as I should be and sometimes experience stiffness and soreness

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What Causes Muscle Pain?

Everyone experiences muscle pain at some time in their life. Since virtually every part of your body contains muscles, aches are quite common. Usually, muscle pain goes away in a few days, but sometimes it can last months. The most common causes of muscle pain are overuse, minor injury, tension and stress.

Types of muscle pain

There are two general categories of muscle pain: localized and systemic.

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Teen Sports and Massage Therapy

Every athlete is on the lookout for an edge that helps them train more effectively, perform better and recover from injuries more quickly.  For teens, whose bodies are still growing, muscles are more vulnerable to physical stressors, and because the muscles are getting longer, sometimes there are naturally occurring “growing pains”.

In any competitive or recreational sport, the risk of injury is high, and the risk of acquiring a long term injury is very real  Teen sports are no exception. School injury prevention programs are typically limited to padding and equipment, and maybe a few stretches.  For an active, growing teen, this really isn’t enough.

Stress is also a significant factor in growing teens, just like it is for adults.  Whether it’s school, the pressure to excel, family issues, or relationships, stress can be a real and harmful emotional drain.

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Please, Tell Me About Knees!

Your knees are among the largest joints in your body and are under intense weight-bearing strain and used daily–no wonder they hurt sometimes.

The knee joint joins your thigh bone (femur) and your shin bone (tibia). The fibula bone runs alongside the tibia and, along with the kneecap (patella), make up the rest of the bones in the knee. Two c-shaped pieces of cartilage, the medial and lateral menisci, act as shock absorbers between femur and tibia.

The knee joint is the most complex in the body.  It’s a “condylar” joint, meaning it has two protrusions on the femur (called condyles) and the the tibia has two grooves which enable them to roll and slide against each others. Because of it’s unique structure, it’s also a hinge joint.

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Do Your Muscles Need Heat or Cold?

coldorwarmblogIf you’re suffering from aching muscles and muscle soreness, should you try heat or cold?  Turns out the answer may be both.

The best way to treat sore muscles is to apply a cold compress.  The cold reduces blood flow and lessens swelling and slows down the pain messages to the brain. Immediately after the muscle strain or injury, try a cold compress (a bag of frozen peas works, too) for about 20 minutes, every 4-6 hours. Continue reading “Do Your Muscles Need Heat or Cold?”

You’re a Climber. You’re Sore. Now What?

If you worked hard to reach your goals during your climb, you’re probably sore. Climbing is one of the most efficient workouts you can get! You use virtually every muscle in your body in a mashup of coordination, strength training, and balance. It’s good for the mind, too, developing self-confidence, learning to visualize and problem-solve. And of course it’s fun!

With all that vigorous exercise, it’s no wonder your body complains sometimes!  Though not all soreness indicates an injury. Some soreness results from muscle fatigue, some from other stresses. But some soreness is a red flag–so if the pain persists, see a healthcare professional–otherwise, there are some easy and practical things you can do to reduce or eliminate the pain you’re feeling. Continue reading “You’re a Climber. You’re Sore. Now What?”

Six Recent Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Massage Therapy

Neck_Back_and_Shoulder_MassageMassage therapy is becoming much more common.  There are more than 1200 approved massage training programs in the US and the number of people getting a massage for stress relief, relaxation or recovery is skyrocketing. Here are a few more facts about the popularity of massage therapy.

  1. More people than ever are scheduling sessions. Almost one in five US adults visited a massage therapist in 2012 and 2013 statistics will show another jump. As massage becomes an integral part of wellness and healing for many people, more people are discovering the benefits. Continue reading “Six Recent Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Massage Therapy”