Muscle Dysmorphia aka Bigorexia Becoming Epidemic?

Bigorexia is the common term for muscle dysmorphia (MDM), a disorder characterized by a fear of being too small, and perceiving oneself as being too weak, even though a person may actually be large and muscular. Surprisingly, this disorder occurs primarily in males with a well-defined, muscular build. It may affect, to some degree, 1 in 10 gym goers.

Dissatisfaction with your body can be a risk factor for the onset of eating disorders, for the abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) and can cause issues with self-image that can lead to related psychiatric symptoms. It’s pretty serious.

To be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the fitness goal of gaining muscle (hypertrophy). It improves performance, vitality, strength, power, functionality, and self esteem. It’s just that sometimes, if conditions are right in the minds of men and women, things get a little out of control.

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Five Reasons You Have a Stiff Neck

You know the feeling. You turn your head and experience pain or soreness and/or a decreased range of motion. The pain can last a moment or show up literally every day. Neck pain is pretty common, too. The CDC reports that nearly one in five of us have experienced neck pain in the last three months.

In general, neck pain is usually caused by muscles weakening over time from misuse or environmental factors. Here are five of the most common reasons why your neck might be stiff, followed by an idea for a wonderful remedy.

1. You’re sleeping wrong. The culprit could be an old or ill-fitting pillow, or the way your body is positioned during sleep, or both. In general, sleeping on your stomach doesn’t help your sleep posture. It affects your lower back and neck because you’ll likely end up twisting your head one way or another throughout the night. Try sleeping only on your side or back.

2. You’re sitting incorrectly at work. You’ve probably heard this a million times, but looking downward at a computer monitor all day will cause muscles around the neck joints to tire, overstretch and weaken.  The same thing can happen if you drive for a living and look down at your smartphone a lot. First, don’t look at your smartphone while you’re driving (other drivers will thank you) and get an ergonomic evaluation at work. Your sitting posture is extremely important for more than just reducing a stiff neck. Continue reading “Five Reasons You Have a Stiff Neck”

Massage Can Reduce Neuropathy Pain

Neuropathy is a fairly common condition that involves problems with nerves, primarily “peripheral” nerves, like those that run through your arms and legs. Some people with peripheral neuropathy don’t even realize it. Others are debilitated by pain and numbness. Either way, the tingling sensations, itching, burning or “pins-and-needles” sensations in hands or feet, are worth a look by a medical professional.

While there are several types of neuropathy, the two most common are diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). Both involve damaged and painful distal sensory and motor nerves. In DPN, the cause is uncontrolled blood glucose (diabetes), while CIPN is a side effect of chemotherapy.

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What is a Professional Massage?

Just like any service available in an open marketplace, massage therapy services run the spectrum from not-so-good to exceptional. If you’ve ever received a professional massage from more than one therapist, you’ll notice difference in their approach to massage, their training, and how effective the treatment is. A truly professional massage therapist delivers a truly professional massage.

So is your therapist a true professional? Are you getting the best massage therapy service you can get?  Here are ten signs, in no particular order, that you’re probably working with the best. Does your massage therapist measure up?

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Take Control of Joint and Muscle Pain

For many people, joint pain and muscle stiffness are a daily nuisance. Joints in the hands, wrists and feet get stiff and sometimes painful to move. Sometimes it’s hard to get up out of a chair or button a shirt. Or you might have a nagging lower back ache, or that shoulder that just won’t relax. The good news is that relief may come from something you may have never considered–massage.

What’s the cause?

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Taking Control of Your Wellness

self controlSummer’s over and you’re heading into a busy season. Chances are you might have let things slide a bit. Maybe things were super busy. Maybe summer is about relaxation, regardless of what’s on the list to do. Now’s the best time to take stock of where you are and take control over your own wellness.

It turns out nobody is more in control  of your renewal, rebirth and recovery than YOU are. The Fall and Winter can be a great time to contemplate and resolve to get in touch with yourself again and reach out to seek your passions, your purpose, your dreams, work on your relationships, make job changes, and, most importantly, think about your wellness.

Here are a few things you can do to help rebalance and regain control after the lazy days of summer subsides: Continue reading “Taking Control of Your Wellness”