Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 3x More Common in Women

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a “common peripheral entrapment that causes neuralgia in the median nerve distribution of the hand.” Wait, what?

Translated from “medi-speak”.  The carpal tunnel is an archway of bones in your wrists. When your palm is face-up, the bony arch is upside down. Across the open end of the arch, a thick band of connective tissue (flexor retinaculum) crosses to close off the arch and forms a “tunnel”. This tunnel is the way for tendons in your forearm to control muscles in your hand.  There’s also a median nerve that supplies nerve function to some of the muscles at the base of your thumb and first two fingers. Continue reading “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 3x More Common in Women”

Take Control of Joint and Muscle Pain

For many people, joint pain and muscle stiffness are a daily nuisance. Joints in the hands, wrists and feet get stiff and sometimes painful to move. Sometimes it’s hard to get up out of a chair or button a shirt. Or you might have a nagging lower back ache, or that shoulder that just won’t relax. The good news is that relief may come from something you may have never considered–massage.

What’s the cause?

Continue reading “Take Control of Joint and Muscle Pain”

Massage for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

carpaltunnelCarpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common peripheral entrapment that causes neuralgia in the median nerve distribution of the hand. Wait, what?  Translated from “medi-speak”.  The carpal tunnel is an archway of bones in your wrists. When you palm is face-up, the bony arch is upside down. Across the open end of the arch, a thick band of connective tissue (flexor retinaculum) crosses to close off the arch and forms a “tunnel”. This tunnel is the way for tendons in your forearm to control muscles in your hand.  There’s also a median nerve that supplies nerve function to some of the muscles at the base of your thumb and first two fingers. Continue reading “Massage for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”